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周毅 《地球学报》1998,19(3):325-334
20世纪是人类物质文明最发达的时代,但也是地球生态环境和自然资源遭到破坏最为严重时期。不可持续的经济畸增的产生和消费模式使人类生存和发展面临严峻挑战。传统工业是一柄福音和灾祸的双刃剑,中国并不庞大的工业由于先天不足、粗放外延发展等原因过早地走入了破坏自然生态、人口急剧膨胀、环境污染不断加剧的尴尬境地,有可能重蹈发达国家“经济腾飞,公害泛滥”的覆辙。本文提出人口、生态、资源、环境、社会、经济、文明可持续发展新思路及可操作性对策是当务之急。  相似文献   
Alluviation and sedimentation of the Yellow River are important factors influencing the surface soil structure and organic carbon content in its lower reaches. Selecting Kaifeng and Zhoukou as typical cases of the Yellow River flooding area, the field survey, soil sample collection, laboratory experiment and Geographic Information System(GIS) spatial analysis methods were applied to study the spatial distribution characteristics and change mechanism of organic carbon components at different soil depths. The results revealed that the soil total organic carbon(TOC), active organic carbon(AOC) and nonactive organic carbon(NOC) contents ranged from 0.05–30.03 g/kg, 0.01–8.86 g/kg and 0.02–23.36 g/kg, respectively. The TOC, AOC and NOC contents in the surface soil layer were obviously higher than those in the lower soil layer, and the sequence of the content and change range within a single layer was TOCNOCAOC. Geostatistical analysis indicated that the TOC, AOC and NOC contents were commonly influenced by structural and random factors, and the influence magnitudes of these two factors were similar. The overall spatial trends of TOC, AOC and NOC remained relatively consistent from the 0–20 cm layer to the 20–100 cm layer, and the transition between high-and low-value areas was obvious, while the spatial variance was high. The AOC and NOC contents and spatial distribution better reflected TOC spatial variation and carbon accumulation areas. The distribution and depth of the sediment, agricultural land-use type, cropping system, fertilization method, tillage process and cultivation history were the main factors impacting the spatial variation in the soil organic carbon(SOC) components. Therefore, increasing the organic matter content, straw return, applying organic manure, adding exogenous particulate matter and conservation tillage are effective measures to improve the soil quality and attain sustainable agricultural development in the alluvial/sedimentary zone of the Yellow River.  相似文献   
生物土壤结皮固沙理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
生物土壤结皮是由土壤微生物、藻类、地衣和苔藓等孢子植物类群与土壤颗粒形成的有机复合体,在全球干旱区地表广泛分布,是干旱地表生物覆被层的主要构建者。生物土壤结皮是荒漠植物群落演替的先锋类群,能够提高荒漠地表的稳定性,固定碳和氮等营养元素,增加土壤肥力,并在保持土壤水分方面发挥重要作用,因此在干旱区受损地表的生态修复方面具有广阔的应用前景。通过分析组成生物土壤结皮的物种更替与维持其结构的胶结方式转变之间的生态关系,阐释了生物土壤结皮固沙的生物学基础,提出在人工结皮恢复实践中,应选择以本地优势物种(如具鞘微鞘藻、齿肋赤藓和银叶真藓等)为目标种的生态学原则,并通过对目标物种的纯化、培养,完成由实验室至温室的扩繁过程,实现逐级扩大生产,为野外固沙应用提供充足种源。阐述了结皮野外接种恢复的最适物种组成、物理化学方式结合的组合模式,提出应从地表稳定性、土壤养分和结皮物种多样性等方面进行生长状况评估,梳理了中国在结皮人工恢复领域的研究进展和面临的问题与挑战,阐释了利用人工培养生物土壤结皮开展生态修复的应用前景。  相似文献   
芒萁是华南退化坡地上最具代表性的先锋种、优势种和关键种,能够快速形成密集的单优种层片结构。与传统阻碍更新的观点不同,野外观察发现芒萁层片内仍有少数物种能够成功定居,被认为具有生态筛效应。文章通过设置4种芒萁层片处理(芒萁层片完全剔除-UR;仅保留地上层-AF;仅保留根毯层-AR;芒萁层片全部保留-CK),分别在不同处理下移植目标种幼苗并结合土壤性状,探究芒萁层片生态筛效应及其潜在机理。结果发现:1)桉林芒萁根毯层中土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、交换性钠、交换性钙、交换性镁和阳离子交换量均显著高于芒萁红壤层和裸地红壤;2)多数乔木种和草本种在芒萁根毯层保留时无法存活,仅荷木、桃金娘、梅叶冬青和野牡丹等目标种幼苗在保留芒萁根毯层处理(AR和CK)下能够存活与生长。这表明芒萁层片确实具有生态筛效应,且其关键在于根毯层的作用而并非土壤养分改善作用。理论上,芒萁层片(尤其是根毯层)与生态恢复的生物阈值突破密切相关,未来需要进一步解析芒萁根毯层的结构与功能。应用上,华南地区存在大量以芒萁为单优林下植物的人工林类型(如桉林等),在进行结构优化与林分改造时需注意芒萁的生态筛效应。  相似文献   
黄智华  薛滨  逄勇 《第四纪研究》2008,28(4):674-682
选择位于长江下游的固城湖流域作为研究区域,基于分布式流域水文模型SWAT,采用数值模拟的手段,反演了1951~2000年流域农业非点源氮、磷的输移规律。模拟结果与实测值的一致性反映了模型的良好模拟能力。比较两个时段的模拟结果发现,1981~2000年,流域农业非点源氮、磷年平均浓度和输移量分别为:总氮0.82mg/L和411.88×103kg/a,总磷0.084mg/L和43.04×103kg/a;远高于1951~1960年的氮、磷年平均浓度和输移量分别为:总氮0.22mg/L和49.55×103kg/a,总磷0.036mg/L和7.67×103kg/a。模拟主要反映了流域下垫面条件和农作物耕作模式对农业非点源氮、磷浓度及输移量的影响。  相似文献   
The concentrations of twenty four chemical elements in the surface layer of natural desert soils and the cultivated farmland soils were measured at a desert-oasis ecotone in the middle of Heihe river basin, north-west China. Background values were estimated for (a) major elements (Si 335.3 g kg− 1, Al 49.4 g kg− 1, Fe 19.1 g kg− 1, Ca 29.4 g kg− 1, Mg 8.9 g kg− 1, K 20.1 g kg− 1, Na 17.5 g kg− 1 and P 0.338 g kg− 1), (b) heavy metals and non-metals (Cr 55.8 mg kg− 1, Mn 404.8 mg kg− 1, Ni 17.7 mg kg− 1, Cu 5.1 mg kg− 1, Zn 33.7 mg kg− 1, Pb 15.5 mg kg− 1 and As 5.2 mg kg− 1) and (c) other trace elements (Ti 2.0 mg kg− 1, V 55.3 mg kg− 1, Co 5.7 mg kg− 1, Rb 82.4 mg kg− 1, Sr 232.9 mg kg− 1, Y 14.7 mg kg− 1, Zr 194.9 mg kg− 1, Nb 7.8 mg kg− 1 and Ba 720.6 mg kg− 1). After natural desert soil was cultivated for agricultural use, significant changes in element concentrations occurred under tillage, irrigation and fertilisation management. Compared to natural soil, the for the levels of Si, K, Na, Sr, Zr and Ba decreased, and no changes were observed for Rb, while the values of the other 17 elements increase in agricultural soil from 1.2 to 3.5 times. However, their absolute concentrations are still low, suggesting that the arable soil in this region remains comparatively a clean soil. The increased silt, clay and organic carbon content, under long-term irrigation, enriched the fine-grained materials, and application of fertilisers and manure contributed to the accumulation of most elements in arable soil. The accumulation of elements in agricultural soil increased with increasing cultivation years and extent of soil development.  相似文献   
本试验是利用对虾(扇贝)育苗池进行室内常温培育裙带菜苗。试验证明,育苗数量完全可以达到生产上的要求,这样既可充分提高对虾(扇贝)育苗池的利用率,又可解决裙带菜苗源不足的问题,促进裙带菜养殖事业的发展。  相似文献   
等鞭金藻8701培养液的营养组成研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
等鞭金藻8701品系是作用(周,孙)新分离的一个单细饵料藻种。其形态构造与绿光等鞭金藻相同,便适温远较后者为低。通过单因子和正交试验表明,培养液的最佳配方是在天然海水中加入NaNO330ppm,CO(HN2)215ppm,KH2PO4或NaH2PO4-8ppm,FeC6H5O70.5ppm,维生素B10.1ppm和维生素B120.0005ppm。  相似文献   
大型海藻对富营养化海湾生物修复的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国诸多海湾富营养化严重,海湾赤潮和大规模的养殖生物病害频繁发生,海湾生态系统严重失衡。海带、裙带菜、紫菜、龙须菜等大型经济海藻,生物量大、生产力高,在生长过程中能大量吸收C、N、P等营养物质,栽培大型海藻是吸收、利用营养物质,防治富营养化的有效措施之一。本文综述了规模化栽培大型海藻对富营养化海湾生物修复的研究进展。  相似文献   
红鳍笛鲷亲鱼培育及产卵技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用控温、营养强化的方法培育红鳍笛鲷(Lutjanuserythropterus)亲鱼 ,并结合激素诱导使其在1周年内每个月不间断产卵。实验亲鱼454尾 ,培育成活率为96% ,共采卵147150×104粒 ,平均每尾雌鱼年产卵量为541.0×104粒 ,人工催产卵的受精率为40 %~86.2 % ,自然产卵的受精率为68.3%~91.2%。  相似文献   
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